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Section 78 of the Equality Act 2010, the Equality Act (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017, places particular obligations on
Employers to assess and report their gender pay gap.

Its provisions make it obligatory for businesses employing over 250 staff to publish information reporting the differences in pay levels between male and female employees. Gender pay reporting is most notably concerned about female representation within certain roles.

The information held in this report relates to Wynnstay (Agricultural Supplies) Limited and must be published annually and be displayed on the Company website remaining there for a period of 3 years. 

Gender Pay Gap Reporting System

The law requires employers to annually report their average and median pay gaps, the proportion of men and women in each quartile of the pay structure, and the gender pay gaps for any bonuses paid during the year. There are six calculations which must be published.

The payroll data extracted includes employees who are defined as Relevant or Full Pay Relevant employees and their Ordinary Pay (including basic pay, hourly pay, productivity bonuses, and shift pay for example) as at the ‘Snapshot Date’ of 5 April of each year.

Bonuses paid to relevant employees are also calculated and based on payments made during the 12 month period up to the ‘Snapshot

2024 Report (5 April 2023 data set)

The data set includes 471 males and 299 females (770.  The following percentages will be reported to the Government Gender Pay Gap Services Portal:


Hourly Rate – Mean

Hourly Rate – Median


Bonus Pay – Mean


Bonus Pay – Median



  Male Female

Hourly Rate Upper Quartile

78.6% 21.4%
Hourly Rate Upper Middle Quartile 55.2% 44.8%
Hourly Rate Lower Middle Quartile 63.7% 36.3%
Hourly Rate Lower Quartile 47.2% 52.8%
Proportion of M/F paid bonuses 92.1% 85.3%

The figures in this table have been calculated using the standard methods used in the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017. The table shows our workforce divided into four equally sized groups and the calculations are based on hourly pay.


Headlines for 2024

A total 795 colleagues were employed on the ‘pay snapshot’ date, 5 April 2023, with 770 ‘Relevant’ colleagues included for the purpose of calculating Gender Pay statistics.

The headline percentages are primarily and continually driven by the traditional representation of men serving long established positions in agricultural sales, manufacturing, and distribution roles, comprise some 40% of all roles in the data set. Our sales, manufacturing and distribution positions carry working patterns with unsociable hours and pay structures and earnings which include productivity pay elements such as bonuses and overtime. Additionally, Wynnstay boasts an exceptionally low turnover, and the data set gender split is 61.2% male
and 38.8% female on 5 April 2023 (an increase of more than 8% points in favour of females since reporting began using data on 5 April 2017).

2023 data shows that an overall reduction in mean gap is experienced of 1.1% points and minus 12.5% points in median gap since the first report was published in 2018. The mean hourly rate gap has slightly increased year on year by 0.9% points however the median hour rate gap has again reduced by a further 3.6% points during the year (a reduction of 2.1% points was experienced in 2022 snapshot data).

Management teams continue to ensure the best candidates are selected both internally and externally for all roles including key senior roles. It is noted that upper and upper-middle quartiles show a higher representation of females compared to previous reports. It is positively noted that the lower middle quartile group shows a reduction in percentage representation of female personnel, however the lower quartile shows a marginal increase.

Average bonus values for males have increased while females have decreased, with 89.5% of relevant and full pay personnel in the data set receiving rewards. The total of our workforce who are females and received an award has decreased compared to last years’ report, and in contrast the total of males receiving bonus awards has increased. However, since reports began in 2018, an increase in female representation in bonus awards has been experienced from 81% to 85.3%. The mean average bonus gap is up at 67.1%, however the median gap is marginally up from 33% to 33.4%. Both the mean and median bonus gaps have reduced significantly from 79% and 74% respectively since reports began in 2018.

Wynnstay is committed to its diverse workforce and continues to strive towards gender equality. This report aligns with Wynnstay’s efforts in securing and recognising our valuable female colleagues, who support our multi sector, multi discipline business model, which traditionally sits within a male dominated industry.

Our Agenda 

We are committed to equal opportunities and equal treatment of all employees, regardless of sex, race, religion or religious belief, age, marital or civil partnership status, whether you are pregnant or a new parent, sexual orientation, gender reassignment or disability. We pay equal pay for equal work regardless of any protected characteristic. We carry out regular pay and benefit audits and the Company acknowledges the importance of continuous monitoring and improvement.

What are we doing to address the gap?

So far we have taken the following steps to promote gender diversity:

  1. Interrogating data to identify barriers to equal talent acquisition across genders
  2. Continuous review of data concerning promotions, retention data, contract types (part time versus full time), returning workforce after any kind of family leave
  3. Revision of the remote working policy

Wynnstay will continue its ongoing commitment of reducing the current pay gap while deploying various sound management practices in support of fairness and equality through a comprehensive and holistic people management and development framework. Additionally, our Equality & Inclusion Policy is communicated across the business.
Responsibility for fair and equitable management practice remains with our management teams however responsibility for governance, audit and control is held by a central personnel/HRM function which support management decision making and all colleagues. Our focus on equality, fair pay and career opportunity continues as the organisation implements plans that engender a commitment to building a diverse and inclusive workplace through providing equal opportunities, while monitoring and governing decision making relating to pay structure, recruitment, and career progression.

Our effective action plan, which was devised in 2018 in support of reducing the pay gap, includes the following ongoing strategies:

  • A strengthened, recognised personnel/HRM function which supports and promotes clear, evidence based decision making specifically with regards to recruitment, resourcing, career opportunity and reward and recognition, while promoting the ethical philosophies, values, and morals of the business
  • Encouraging applications for vacancies from an array of backgrounds and experiences, supported by internal training programmes
    and development opportunities
  • Role criteria and job design assessments on a continuous basis, with a conscious desire to upskill lower paid positions
  • Pay review assessments on a continuous basis particularly on those occasions where salary proposals and changes result from market forces as necessary to retain talent
  • Carry out systematic exit interviews and assessments to audit employment management practice, and take remedial action where

Accuracy Declaration 

I confirm that the data and information published in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and has been produced in accordance with the Equality Act (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017. 


Samantha Roberts

Group Personnel Executive | Wynnstay (Agricultural Supplies) Ltd


Previous Reports

Gender Pay Gap Report 2024
Gender Pay Gap Report 2023
Gender Pay Gap Report 2022